I hear the Lord say, I am the Father that is never absent. Willing and able to help you. Your doubt of my love keeps you from receiving all that I have for you. As long as you feel like an undeserving and rejected child you will not have faith. Faith works by love. Your mistrust of me is evident by how you live. You live as if I am not coming back. You think that I do not see and will not do anything for you. Yet so many times I have been there for you even when you had turned from me. So many times you could have died but you are still here. The question isn't if I love you. Do you love me? Do you trust me? Do you trust me is having faith. I know other people have let you down but I Am not other people. Give me your hand and stop looking at the storm. Look at Me. Allow me to pull you up and out. Give this to Me. It's not about your worthiness, it's about my goodness. Just ask. I'm waiting. Love Jesus ❤️
Jaziz Gutierrez 07/24/24