In the present era, an alarming alliance has formed between the spirit of Jezebel and those who claim to be followers of God. It is disheartening to witness a culture permeated by sexual immorality, pride, vanity, perversion, witchcraft, new-age beliefs, and sorcery infiltrate the very fabric of the church. Furthermore, the lust for power, fame, and money has ensnared many church leaders, causing them to bow at the altars of Baal. Who is Baal? Baal is a Canaanite deity. Canaan was supposed to be the Land of Promise, but it became a place of idolatry. In Canaan, the worship of Baal Peor refers to a specific form of Baal worship. It was a local variation or manifestation of the Canaanite god Baal, specifically associated with sexual immorality.
Jezebel and Baal Worship:
To comprehend the gravity of the situation, it is essential
to understand who Jezebel and Baal are. Jezebel, a seductive and manipulative
figure, led the people of Israel astray by introducing the worship of Baal.
Baal, a Canaanite deity, symbolizes the false gods that the Israelites were
explicitly warned against. We receive this same warning in the book of
Revelations when Jesus specifically deals with the spirit of Jezebel and Baal
Peor worship through Apostle John.
20 “But I have this complaint against you. You are
permitting that woman—that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet—to lead my
servants astray. She teaches them to commit sexual sin and to eat food offered
to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to turn
away from her immorality.
22 “Therefore, I will throw her on a bed of
suffering, and those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly
unless they repent and turn away from her evil deeds. 23 I will
strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am the one who
searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person. And I will give to
each of you whatever you deserve.
Revelations 2:20-22
This cautionary message highlights the urgency for the
church to recognize and resist the spirit of Jezebel in the present day. The
consequences of succumbing to her influence are severe, as depicted by the
suffering and judgment foretold. Many to this day are under a Jezebelic curse.
Ahab: A Weak Compromising Church:
In the Old Testament, Ahab serves as a vivid
representation of a weak and compromising Christian or church in our present
age. Despite being chosen to rule over God's kingdom, Ahab allowed the dominant
influence of Jezebel's spirit to control him. Jezebel, in her cunning,
established political alliances to exert power over Ahab and silence all
Even today, Jezebel employs political tactics to
manipulate and control the masses, with a clear agenda of promoting sexual
immorality and perversion. Her aim is to normalize behaviors that God
explicitly condemns. Sadly, much like Ahab, numerous modern-day churches have
fallen into complacency, compromising their core beliefs and surrendering to
the seductive allure of worldly pleasures, particularly those of a sexual
When faced with challenges, such as the recent
pandemic, many of these churches chose to close their doors, succumbing to the
intimidation tactics employed by the spirit of Jezebel. Regrettably, they
failed to take a stand for righteousness, instead yielding to the pressures and
compromises imposed upon them.
Furthermore, Jezebel had control over eunuchs, who were
castrated men guarding the bedchamber. Metaphorically, this symbolizes the
disempowerment of men and women from experiencing intimacy with Christ due to
their entanglement in sexual immorality and indulgence in Jezebel's table. The
sad reality is that a eunuch, regardless of their presence in the bedchamber, are incapable of giving birth to anything. Similarly, a church that succumbs to
the influence of Jezebel and bows at the altars of her spirit will remain
barren and ineffective.
But what does it mean to partake of Jezebel's table? It
entails accepting her favors, gifts, and seeking her attention. It involves
indulging in the tempting morsels of fleshly entertainment, being captivated by
seductive music, and being enticed by the allure of scantily clad women on
social media. By engaging in these behaviors, the church becomes entangled in
the very web of immorality and compromise that Jezebel weaves. This not only
hinders spiritual growth but also distracts from the pursuit of God's purpose
and righteousness.
In light of this, we must remember the words of Jesus,
who warned us about the dangers of lust and adultery. He emphasized that merely
looking at someone with lustful intent is already committing adultery in one's
heart. Jesus used vivid language to emphasize the seriousness of the matter,
urging us to take drastic measures to guard against sin. He spoke of gouging
out our eye or cutting off our hand if they cause us to sin, emphasizing the
importance of prioritizing eternal salvation over momentary pleasures.
Jesus warned saying, “You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 So if your eye—even your good eye—causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your hand—even your stronger hand—causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. Matthew 5:27-30
Jezebel and her cultural influence:
Through her pervasive cultural influence, Jezebel's presence can be felt across
various domains of society. She is obviously running Hollywood and has
set up Satanic rituals to celebrate her. Jezebel runs the government and seeks
to control her citizens with fear and intimidation. Jezebel runs the education
system and has set up her eunuchs in libraries dressed in drag. Jezebel is even
behind pulpits seducing God’s children to accept her eunuchs (castrated men who
think they are women) or suffer the consequences of her intimidation and wrath.
Where are the Elijahs and the Jehus who will stand up against her tyranny? My
friends, we have normalized perverted and sexual immoral practices. Men and
women run around half-naked publicly not caring if an innocent child is
visually corrupted. We would rather be comfortable in our yoga pants and show
our crotch than be concerned about who is being stumbled by it. Let’s not be naïve.
Jezebel is coming for your children. Molesting children, assaulting or even
trafficking them is not enough for this spirit. The next point on the agenda is
to normalize pedophilia. Its goal is to destroy purity from every heart. Why? Blessed
are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
These issues are not things that have recently popped
up. Sadly, this started long ago when Elvis Presley thought it was cool to
shake his hips in a sensual manner. Later on and Michael Jackson would grab his
crotch as he danced on stage. Jezebel only becomes more emboldened as no one
says anything. The church has silently enjoyed many of these perverse practices
and never said anything. Now men and women unashamedly dance at awards shows
with barely anything on. Where is the outcry? There is none because many
Christians are partaking of Jezebel’s entertainment. Recently a Pastor thought
he would copy Hollywood’s Baal worship and desecrate God’s holy days. His Easter
service looked like a demonic dedication to Baal. Besides a lot of complaining,
the church in attendance remained silent. They didn't walk out or express any
outrage. Why? Years of exposure to immoral practices on television have
desensitized them. However, they should have walked out, refusing to return to
an apostate church. When will the church stand up for righteousness? When will
we shed our Ahab-like tendencies and stand up for children? When will we
passionately defend innocence? As Jesus said, "This thing I have against
you is that you tolerate Jezebel." Tolerance, in this context, means
accepting or enduring something disliked or even hated to please others,
becoming mere man-pleasers.
Our final response to this spirit should echo the words
of Peter and the other apostles: "We ought to obey God rather than
men" (Acts 5:29). Just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego proclaimed,
"We will not bow to your idols," let us remain steadfast in our
commitment to God and His truth. We must throw down Jezebel from her high places of authority in prayer and let the spirit of Jehu arise destroying the household of Ahab. Let it be so Lord!