The Be Attitudes of Reconciling and Restoring Your Marriage

In the journey of marriage, conflicts, and challenges are bound to arise. Relationships can become strained, and the love that once flourished may seem distant. But amidst the trials, there is hope for reconciliation and restoration. In this pursuit, we turn to the timeless wisdom found in the Be Attitudes – a profound teaching by Jesus Christ in Matthew 5. These powerful principles are key to unlocking the path to lasting love and rebuilding broken marriages. In this blog, we will explore the transformative power they hold and the profound impact they can have on the dynamics of your relationship. Get ready to discover a fresh perspective on navigating challenges, cultivating forgiveness, and building a foundation of love that can withstand the tests of time. Let us embark on this journey together, as we explore the profound truths that can breathe new life into your marriage and open the doors to a renewed sense of joy, intimacy, and lasting love.

The Be Attitudes of Marriage

1. Blessed are those who humbly recognize and confess their faults to their partners. Blessed are those who show genuine remorse and repentance for the pain they have caused their partner and God.

2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. They recognize the significance of acknowledging their sorrows, pains, and shortcomings within their marriage. Instead of seeking temporary solace in external sources, they humbly bring their burdens before God, trusting in His faithfulness to provide comfort and healing. By embracing this attitude of seeking God's comfort first, they create a sacred space within their relationship.

3 Blessed are those who set aside pride and embrace humility, seeking reconciliation and restoration.

Blessed are those who have a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness within their marriages, for they will be abundantly filled. When we long for righteousness, we yearn for God's standards of love, faithfulness, and integrity to permeate our relationship. As we seek His righteousness in our thoughts, actions, and decisions, we open ourselves to His guidance, wisdom, and healing.

5. Blessed are those who extend mercy to their partners, even when they deserve judgment. They forgive and choose to move forward, refusing to dwell on past mistakes.

6. Blessed are those who prioritize purity within their marriage, considering their partner as the most important person in their life.
They wholeheartedly commit to preserving the purity of their union, safeguarding it from anything or anyone that could erode their bond. Blessed are they that seek to honor God in the holiness of their marital covenant.

7. Blessed are those who strive for peace instead of engaging in conflict. When their ultimate goal is reconciliation, they demonstrate their true identity as children of God.

8. Blessed are those who, in the face of ungodly behavior or persecution from their partner, choose to remain silent, steadfast in prayer, walking in the love of God.

In conclusion, the Be Attitudes of reconciling and restoring our marriages are key to unlocking a path of profound transformation and lasting love. By embracing these attitudes of humility, forgiveness, truth-seeking, mercy, purity, peace, and unwavering commitment, we can overcome obstacles, build bridges, and cultivate a love that withstands the test of time. Let us embrace the abundant joy, fulfillment, and intimacy that awaits us as we pursue love. With these Be Attitudes as our compass, we can create a love story that stands as a testament to the power of reconciliation and the beauty of restoring our marriages.

By Jaziz Gutierrez
All rights reserved: Copyright May 19, 2023

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