Yahweh Hates Mixture


About two days ago in the early morning hours, I heard these scriptures about mixture. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Yahweh hates mixture." 

1. “You shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seed, lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled.

2. “You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.

3. â€œYou shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together.

Deuteronomy 22:9-11

In the first line of the text, the Lord forbids mixing seeds. "You shall not sow your vineyard with different seeds." I will put it in a prophetic context that will apply to the modern-day church. I will paraphrase. "You will not sow Yahweh's Word, mix it with philosophy, tradition, and worldly seeds. This is His Vineyard, not yours!" He is the Vine and we are the branches. Today's modern-day preachers are defiling Yahweh's vineyards with doctrines of demons.
For example, I saw the most abhorrent Easter service that exemplifies what I am saying here; it was at a mega church and they had women who were supposed to be demons dressed in tight clothing who were supposed to be telling the story of our Lord's resurrection. They were Jezebels in all their array. It looked like something out of Hollywood's satanic rituals which they do at their awards shows. It did not look any different from any other worldly show you would see on TV. Yahweh's Word was mixed with worldly seeds and entertainment. In another church, a Pastor was preaching that the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit was speaking against same-sex marriage. Again another instance of mixture. Yahweh's Word being mixed with lies and deception. The Apostate church at its finest. 

Isaiah describes Israel who once was considered Yahweh's people in the following passage. This is true in today's church.
How the faithful city has become a harlot!
It was full of justice;
Righteousness lodged in it,
But now murderers.
22 Your silver has become dross,
Your wine mixed with water.
23 Your princes are rebellious,
And companions of thieves;
Everyone loves bribes,
And follows after rewards.
They do not defend the fatherless,
Nor does the cause of the widow come before them.
Isaiah 1:21-23

Once a faithful church but now a church full of harlots. Men and women who go to church to indulge in more fornication and adultery.  Look at what Peter said of the Apostate Church. "But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption, 13 and will receive the wages of unrighteousness, as those who count it pleasure to carouse in the daytime. They are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you, 14 having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices and are accursed children. 15 They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness. 2 Peter 2:12-15 Why would their eyes be filled with adultery while feasting with you? That's because they will be sitting next to you at church while checking out the women who are dressed like they are going to a nightclub.  In all honesty, many churches are conducted like nightclubs. Dark rooms, colored lights, smoke machines, loud music, people dancing, and an absolute lack of reverence for God. There are also murderers and thieves among you. People who will slander and hate on you. Preachers steal money under the pretense of tithing. Rebellious children seeking attention that love the limelight and seek to become wealthy at your expense. They will take the last widow's mite to live in the lap of luxury but won't lift a finger to help those in need among them. Gross entitlement. Wine mixed with water. Instead of the strong wine of truth, it is mixed with water until it has no effect on the hearer. Watered-down messages mixed with motivational speeches to keep people on the pews and content.  People have become so accustomed to the entertainment and watered-down gospel that they get offended when you speak the truth of Yahweh's word to them. 

2. “You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.
Let me again put these phrases in modern terms. You shall not work in Yahweh's fields with a donkey. An ox plows the ground in repentance. Ox are very strong and carry a yoke around their neck so they can pull a plow. A donkey is usually rebellious and refuses to do the hard work of the gospel. It simply walks over the ground that is meant to be plowed. There are a lot of donkey preachers out there that refuse to do the hard work of preaching the gospel and simply want the rewards and benefits of being preachers. They are not yoked to Jesus and working in His vineyards. 
Here is another way we can be yoked to a donkey. The Word says, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what [a]fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:13-15

3. â€œYou shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together.
You shall not mix the robe of righteousness that can only come from Christ and wear the garment of self-righteousness too. Wool is scratchy material that can make you quite uncomfortable and linen is a soft material. I came up with this saying and I know it is true. The Lord is more interested in your character than your comfort. We need to wear the scratchy material called humility rather than the appealing garment of pride. Sometimes we are not going to feel comfortable standing up for righteousness or speaking the truth but we need to do it. 
We also need to wear garments of praise instead of carrying a spirit of heaviness. True worship can never be confused with entertainment. 

The Lord is so serious about mixture that has this warning in Revelations.

 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, â€œCome out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her. 
Revelations 18:4-8

So it was, when they had heard the Law, that they separated all the mixed multitude from Israel. Nehemiah 13:3

The Lord will one day separate the wheat and the tares and the sheep and the goats. There will be no mixture in the Holy presence of our King.  
 â€œWhen the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the [c]holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:  Matthew 25:31-34

Father, forgive me for being involved in mixture. I choose today to leave any and all churches that have mixed the Holy with the profane. Give us discernment. Help us examine every seed, every word, and every practice in the church. We choose to separate ourselves unto your work and walk in the holiness of Yahweh. Clothe us in your righteousness,  Give us the garments of praise and humility. Thank you for the work of the cross in our lives and the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts.

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