Wide Road of Destruction

Today the Holy Spirit gave me a vision. He showed me a Wide Road and a Narrow Road. As I looked at the Wide Road I could see some writing on it. It said, “Jesus, Me and it included a sin or something that a person didn’t want to let go of.” The Narrow road said, “Jesus and Me.” The reason the wide road was wide was because on that road people were including an idol they didn’t want to let go of or a sin. They wanted to include it alongside the way Jesus would have us live. In other words, on the wide road, they were eating off two tables. They were eating from the delicacies of the world and the table of God. They were serving two masters. They were incorporating Jesus into their lifestyle of sin and still doing the church thing. Sadly, I’ve been on this wide road. I lived a life I thought was a Christian lifestyle but I was also living in sin. I didn’t think it was a sin because everyone in the church was doing it. What am I talking about? Getting married and remarried. It's adultery. Before anyone starts to feel condemned I just want to say that whatever you have done God will forgive you. You just need to confess it, repent of it and crucify that lifestyle in baptism; more on that later.

I want to tell you that I almost went to hell because I thought I could live for God any way that I wanted to. I walked on that wide road of destruction until the Holy Spirit showed me what hell looked like and showed me that I was standing at the wide gate of destruction. The Holy Spirit literally had to shout to my spirit "Repent and get baptized and come out of the apostate church!" This shook me to my very core. For five nights I trembled under the heavy hand of God. I was living a lie. I was living in a fake reality called a delusion. What’s so alarming about this is that many reading this are under that same false reality. You really think you are going to heaven while secretly engaged in sin. You think that God does not see, or is somewhat okay with it because you’ve been getting away with it for so long. You may be fooling everyone else but you are not fooling God. If you are reading this and are playing games with God, or think you can sin and still go to heaven I'm here to tell you that you're dead wrong. Jesus warns us of being deceived. The truth is that I never thought it could happen to me. Pride and self-righteousness blinded me to the truth. By God’s mercy I woke up. Tragically many won’t. The Wide Road offers the perks of Christianity while still actively engaged in sin. Jesus said, “Whoever finds his life [in this world] will [eventually] lose it [through death], and whoever loses his life [in this world] for My sake will find it [that is, life with Me for all eternity].” Matthew 10:39 What we do for God will never make up for obedience. God’s power on your life is not God’s approval on your life.

Listen friends, I had to become broken in my heart about what I had been doing. I had to realize I was going to stand before a holy God. I had to tremble in my heart and knees. Though our righteousness is through faith in Christ we still need to crucify the flesh. “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature together with its passions and appetites. Galatians 5:24 What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] grace may increase and overflow? 2 Certainly not! How can we, the very ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer? 3 Or are you ignorant of the fact that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?” Romans 6:1-3 Just like many of you, no one told me I need to get buried and crucified with Jesus. I only became a professing Christian because baptism was only symbolic. However, after this encounter around three years ago, I was crucified with Christ and am now being sanctified by His grace. I am being transformed and renewed in my mind. Every day I ask God to dismantle fear from my life and perfect me in His love. This is why I could even write this. I fear God more than fear anyone who will read this and judge me for it. I don’t care. I know there are going to be many people who the Lord is going to convict who read this. I’m praying it will literally make you stop dead in your tracks look down and see what road you’re on. I pray that you will then change your mind (repent) about what you are doing and turn around. If the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and convicting you please let me know so you too can repent and get baptized. Whoever you are please turn around and walk towards God because hell is real. Heaven is better. Don't believe the lie that you have more time. You don’t know when you will die and appear before Him. Come back to Jesus asap!

Let us pray: Jesus I feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit and I bow my head in humility. Forgive me for being so arrogant to think that I can live by different rules or somehow your Word does not apply to me. That somehow my ministry, talents, or gifts are God's approval on my life. Lord, I repent for ______and I ask you to forgive me. I forgive all those who have hurt me and transgressed against me. Holy Spirit I repent of all pride and self-righteousness, open my eyes to anything that offends you. Lord deliver me from all demonic influence and strongholds in Jesus' name! Set me free from all oppression and heal my heart from all brokenness. Lord, help me find someone who will baptize me. I’m ready to surrender and die so that my life might be hidden in you. In Jesus' name, Amen! If you need to get baptized please call me or message me. I will set up an appointment. Love Jaziz Gutierrez

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