I heard this loud in my spirit this morning. "Calamity approaching!" Get right with God. Dress rehearsal is over! You think you won't be touched and that you have more time. You do not. I saw a solid sheet of rain. While we burn over here in California there will be unprecedented massive flooding in other parts of our nation. You don't know when it is your time to answer to God. Get ready, get ready, get ready! God opposes the proud and crushes rebellion for rebellion is the sin of witchcraft. This is the very nature of Satan. You ask why would He do this? Humility. I'm humbling America so she can enter in. I'm removing the dross from her heart so I can show mercy. I will deal with Leviathan and the spirit of pride. Seven judgments are coming. Two are here. Flee the coastlands and listen to me when I say GO! Jaziz Gutierrez 08/23/20
Please pray everyone pray that lives will be spared. 😔🙏🔥