Love and Live Well

I hope it's okay to share my heart. When people you care about die it makes you start thinking about your own mortality. In all honesty, none of us know when it's our turn. We need to ask ourselves did we do our best to love others? Did I fulfill my God-given assignment? Was I a good steward of my time, money, resources, and talents? Was I a good example? Did I live my life intentionally or was I in survival mode? I don't know what your answers would be but I'm sure there are many people who took their dreams to their grave. They perhaps put off that family vacation, making the call to someone they were offended with, fixing their marriage, making time for their loved ones, finishing their projects, and living their dreams. What if we lived like tomorrow was our last day? How would you live your life differently if you didn't worry about what people thought? Then again how would you live your life if you were truly surrendered and in fervent pursuit of Jesus? I bet nothing we have read on Facebook would really matter at that point. I don't know about you but we need to set our minds on things above and not on things below. Everything in this life is temporary but love...that will last a lifetime. Love and live well.
Jaziz Gutierrez
In Loving Memory of Hilda

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