Saturday, August 31, 2024

I recently had a vision where I saw the hand of God shaking a sleeping bride. In this vision, the bride was lying down, deep in slumber. I heard the Lord declare, “I am going to shake My bride three times. She has been asleep for too long. I had sent her to be a watchman on the wall, but while she slept and stayed home from the battle, the enemy advanced, taking more territory. While she cowered in fear, the enemy began to take members of the family into captivity.”

The Lord is calling us to fight. We must battle to free the prisoners of war and to be liberated from our own captivity. Do you know why the bride wears combat boots? She was designed for battle. She was created to tread on serpents and scorpions, meant to walk all over the enemy because he is cursed to crawl on his belly. Rise up; your time has come. We must fight.

Many of us might wonder why it seems the enemy has advanced so much. There's a scripture that says, “While men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat.” We’ve been sleeping in a spiritual sense by neglecting prayer. We see full attendance at church meetings and potlucks, but prayer meetings are often poorly attended. Didn’t Jesus instruct the disciples to “watch and pray”? He warned them that without prayer, they wouldn’t be prepared for their trials. They were unready because they didn’t pray, they weren’t vigilant; they were asleep.

I saw the hand of the Lord shaking the sleeping bride three times. This shaking is coming, and it will wake us all up. We cannot let the kingdom of darkness keep advancing in our personal lives without doing anything about it. Some might think their personal sins don’t affect anyone else, but that’s not true. Your personal sin impacts the entire body of Christ. If you don’t address your sin, you weaken us all.

I hate to be blunt, but we are all connected like a chain. If you’re the weakest link, we are all affected. Look at the story of Achan in Joshua chapter 7. The nation of Israel lost a battle because Achan was hiding forbidden things in his tent. Many of us are hiding forbidden things in the tent of our lives, trying to be secretive. However, the enemy knows when we compromise; he sees us as easy targets. Your compromise affects the entire body of Christ, not just yourself.

Each individual’s walk with God impacts the corporate and national levels. Revival starts with one person. Will you be that person? Will you be the bride who wears her combat boots even to bed? God wants a bride that is always ready. If you spend hours in front of a TV and are complacent, you won’t be prepared. Unity is crucial in these times. Pentecost came because of the unity in prayer of the early church. The Holy Spirit came with fire on a strategic day when everyone was gathered.

God wants to position and armor us. He wants to teach us how to fight the good fight of faith. Please don’t be discouraged or weary. In due season, you will reap if you don’t lose heart. We need to build spiritual faith muscles and trust that God will get us through, no matter what happens in the world. We must be led by Jesus, our Captain, and break free from apathy.

There is a book titled This Day We Fight by Francis Frangipane that I plan to read. We need to overcome apathy because it’s destroying us as a church. It’s making us complacent and unwilling to rise up and fight. For those weary soldiers listening, don’t get distracted. Evaluate whether God is speaking to you through this message. Our distractions, such as constantly scrolling through social media, hinder our ability to hear God’s voice.

The Lord spoke to me years ago, saying that our survival would depend on hearing His voice. How can we hear Him if we’re constantly distracted? The Holy Spirit wants to be the only voice we hear, but how can He do that if we’re overwhelmed by other voices? The Bible says, “My sheep hear My voice.” If we can’t focus on a 10-minute message, how will we hear God in our daily lives?

We mustn’t treat God as our personal servant with a to-do list. We are His servants. We need to spend time turning everything off and asking Him what He wants to say. What is He speaking to His bride in this hour? He wants us to wake up. I saw the hand of the Lord shaking the bride three times, and something is going to shake us up and wake us up. This is not because He dislikes us, but because He wants us to arise as the warriors He’s called us to be.

Amen. Thank you for watching. To Watch On YouTube: Click Here


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