I hear the Lord say it is time to repair the broken altars. They are broken in
the church, homes, and nation. You have altars erected in the name of other gods. You have tried to kill the
prophets and silence the voice of truth, but you will hear me, for I am the God
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I will not compete with your idols. If you want
fire, you must repair the altars first. Instead of your devotional time in front
of the TV and your media devices, it is time to devote that time to Me. Your
children do not know how to worship Me, nor do they know My ways. They grope
around in the darkness and don’t even know who they are. Your identity can only be found in Me. Just like
Elijah, the altars of the family must be rebuilt first. Your house must become a
house of prayer.
The altars in my church must be rebuilt. Entertainment
has replaced true worship. Consecrated men and women have been replaced by game
show hosts. They don’t host my presence, nor do they know my ways. You have
allowed temple prostitutes, false prophets, and perversion into my church. Your
Pastors and Teachers have followed after the ways of Balaam. They will have no
part in my Kingdom. They have led my people astray, and they will carry a
heavier judgment. They have prepared Jezebel’s table and have given my people
food sacrificed to idols: the idols of entertainment, worldly lusts, covetousness,
greed, and pride of life. They cleverly disguised their wolf appetites behind
scripture, all the while devouring the sheep.
The altars in this nation must be rebuilt. This nation
was founded by people who sincerely wanted to seek Me, so I blessed them.
Now you have taken away from the children My word and prayer from schools just
to allow men with perverse agendas to corrupt their innocence. I will judge
this and place millstones around the necks of those who hurt my little ones.
You defend the guilty and persecute those who stand up for righteousness. As
the prophet Isaiah said,
“Why do you continue to invite punishment?
Must you rebel forever?
Your head is injured,
and your heart is sick. Isaiah 1:5
You have erected altars to Molech and sacrificed your
children by aborting them. You have erected altars to Mammon and given of your
money to gambling. You have erected altars to Dagon and worship material wealth
and work of your hands. You have erected altars to Baal and pridefully celebrate how you have broken your covenant with me by living in sexual immorality and
perversion. You have mistaken my mercy as complacency. “And don’t forget Sodom
and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and
every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve
as a warning of the eternal fire of God’s judgment.” (Jude 1:7) And I did not
spare the ancient world—except for Noah and the seven others in his family.
Noah warned the world of My righteous judgment. So I protected Noah when I
destroyed the world of ungodly people with a vast flood. (2 Peter 2:5) The
rainbows you wave in My face are not a promise I will keep with those who
destroy purity in innocent hearts.
Yet the most enormous altar erected in your homes, churches, and this nation are the ones you have erected to yourselves. You have made
yourselves gods. Wanting the worship of others, you break my commandments and
teach false things to my people. You spend hours on media devices trying to
find ways to get the adulation and adoration of men. You have become lovers of
self instead of lovers of Yahweh. You make laws that go against My commandments
just to stay in positions of power for the purpose of placating the Jezebels
who manipulate you. All the while, she castrates you so you can become weak
and powerless men. You have nothing to be proud of but should see how
wretched, blind, and poor you are. Yes, you would need to buy of me gold purified
in the fire to repair these altars. You will either suffer the affliction of
persecution that refines you or suffer the affliction that comes from
disobedience and idolatry.
It is time to choose this day whom you will serve. Repair the broken altars and
bring a worthy sacrifice. I am the Lord.