Prophetic Word: Holy Confrontation

A holy confrontation is coming between the false prophets of Baal and the Elijahs of this generation. The false prophets of Baal are castrated men who speak on behalf of Jezebel. They bow at the altars of men and eat off of Jezebel’s table.

“For behold, Your enemies make loud confusion; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against thy hidden ones.” (Psalm 83:2-3)

They have stood against thy people like Goliath to mock the armies of God. Where are my Davids? Who will take the simplicity of my Word with child-like faith and topple over the defiant, intimidating, and mocking giants in the land? I need my Elijahs to call down fire on the altars of men’s hearts. I need my Jehus to cut off Ahab’s household. I need my Deborahs to go into battle and my Jaels to drive the stake through the enemy’s head. Will you answer Oh my people? Will you hear the call of our Warrior King? Was it, not I who took a whip to cleanse the temple of those merchandising the things of God? You have been deceived into thinking I am complacent, apathetic, and will do nothing to bring justice to the crimes committed on the earth. I am both Judge and King. I am calling forth my remnant, my end-time warriors and harvesters, to go on in this hour to do my purpose and will. Do we not have a cause?
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