Why I Don't Drink Soda

I've always had an ongoing struggle with allergies and at times my parents could not figure out why I was so sickly. I would complain nightly of excruciating leg aches and would often have insomnia as a child. As I got older I began to listen to my body and was able to figure out what food was doing what to my body. Which was much better than the old-fashioned allergy test where the doctor took an instrument of some type which made lines that broke open the skin on my back. He then took different foods and applied them to the open areas of my skin to see if I would break out or something. Sounds barbaric, doesn't it?

Not only have I struggled with food allergies all my life but also I've always been sensitive to shampoos. I had a variety of shampoos and conditioners that were sprawled out underneath my bathroom sink as hair rejects. If I broke out after using the shampoo or conditioner it would end up in the reject pile to be used by another member of the family or not at all. It was an expensive venture to figure out what was bothering my scalp until I figured out that I could test the shampoo on my wrist as I walked around in the store. If my skin started to itch then I would not buy it.

In recent years I figured out that I was allergic to wheat. I had so many intestinal issues and at times arthritic conditions in my joints. I felt sick and lethargic most of the time. I also figured out that I was lactose intolerant when I got pregnant with my third son as I could not keep any food down. I had food coming out both ends. Sorry to be so descriptive. However, you are probably reading this because I brought up the subject of soda which is a sugary bliss for many of you but has contributed to many diseases I'm sure. Diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure to name a few. None of which we are willing to admit to, as soda has become an addiction to so many people.

Now to answer the curious question as to why I don't drink soda. It gives me bladder infections. Like the very next day, I will be in excruciating pain. I have by trial and error figured out this painful fact. I have also figured out that it's not worth it to me. Not if it means another hospital visit which I can't afford. As if my diet weren't restrictive enough like I mentioned before, I also can't eat wheat. Many people just can't believe that I can live without eating wheat products because almost everything has this ingredient in it. No more flour tortillas, crackers, cakes, pasta and the like. Some people have told me that they couldn't possibly live without it but if you have suffered the agony of gluten intolerance and the painful consequences of cheating on your diet then you will say to yourself; it's not worth it to me. Why isn't it worth it? I'm not a glutton for punishment I guess and I don't want to die an early death. I also don't want to end up sick in the hospital.

You know what else is not worth it? Sin. The painful consequence of our choices sometimes has lasting effects just like our poor health choices. If we make poor health choices after a while it will catch up to us and we can reap diseases. If we make poor life choices or decisions we can also reap poverty or homelessness. If we continue to live in sin not only will it separate us from God; the choices we make will destroy our lives. Regardless of what you sow please understand that the law of the universe will cause you to reap. "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction, whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7-8 According to this scripture you just read, are you living to please the Spirit or living to please the flesh? Some of us live to please our flesh with the next cookie, cigarette, beer, video game, TV Novela, weed, and whatever our flesh is demanding it should have. Denying ourselves isn't just a philosophy it is a lifestyle. It means we say no to the demands of our flesh and live to please the Spirit. When we do, we will manifest the fruit of the spirit. When we live to meet the demands of the flesh we will also manifest the works of the flesh.
We need to get to a point in our lives where we have to say to ourselves; it's not worth it to me. This soda is not worth it to me. This cupcake is not worth it to me. This abusive relationship is not worth it to me. This beer is not worth it to me. Getting high is not worth it to me. Cheating on my spouse is not worth it to me. Watching porn is not worth it to me and the list can go on. Why is it not worth it to you? Because you have come to the painful conclusion that you are not willing to pay the price of wrong choices anymore. You are through repeating the same old cycle just to arrive at point A again. You can no longer take the pain of your mistakes anymore. When you finally come to this conclusion, you will stop.

Like millions of people before you that have decided that they were sowing the wrong seed and decided to change that; bravo. I'm sure your harvest looks different. For the couple who recently shared with me that they looked at each other one day after being addicted to meth for 10 years and said, "We are stupid for doing this" and then they stopped. I'm proud of you. For those who have decided that they don't need to be dysfunctional anymore and live feeling rejected because God loves them. Hooray. To all my ex-addict friends, alcoholics, sexually bound, angry, and perverted; you inspire me. Share your story on how you got free! We need to learn from you. We overcome by the power of your testimony.

For those of you who feel stuck and angry; I have a secret for you. Whining, complaining and regretting your past won't change your harvest! Change your seed or change your harvest field. That is the only answer to cause a change in our lives. Sow God's Word, live out His principles and make better choices. We make it more complicated than it is. Follow Christ's example if you have poor role models in your life. For heaven's sake let us stop making excuses. Excuses are only a cover up to make people believe we are victims of our sin instead of admitting we still want to indulge in our sin. We need to get honest. I clearly remember the day I cried out to God and pleaded with him to take a certain sin from me. After going on about it for a few days I heard, "You sin because you want to." I was shocked that God would speak to me this way but it woke me up out of my supposed pious deception. God can't crucify our flesh nor can he say no for us. We must crucify the desire, the craving, and the urge by saying no to ourselves.

For those of you who think you can't stop, I have good news for you. There is absolutely nothing stronger than the human will. No one can control your will. God does not control people and unless you are possessed of the devil even he can't make you do anything. Either way, Jesus came to set you free. Like an ex-addict told me recently, "You must be willing to do anything to be free." A person who is not willing to go to rehab, not willing to do classes, not willing to go to meetings, not willing to talk about it and not willing to admit they have a problem IS NOT READY TO CHANGE! A repentant heart is willing to confess to their sins, take responsibility, make restitution, and willing to let go of anything that would lead them back on the same road they were on. If this means getting rid of the old friends, not going to your usual spots, not listening to your old music, throwing away all worldly or secular things in your life then so be it. This is what repentance looks like. Until and only when a person comes to a point of saying to themselves, "It's not worth it to me" then will they stop.
Let me ask you, "Are you there yet?" If you are please pray this prayer:

Lord, remove the pride, anger, rebellion, and stubbornness of my heart. I can clearly see that there is something that has gotten in the way of my relationship with you/my relationship with others/or is stumbling me. I cannot do this on my own. I cannot change by my own self-effort. I cannot change by my own will-power or by doing better next time. That's all dead works. It is by your finished work on the cross that I am free to live for you. Break off lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Your word says, that you are the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. You, not only came to forgive my sin but remove my sin. Remove my sinful tendencies. I surrender them to you. Remove all generational iniquity. Renew my mind and grant me a truly repentant heart. I'm done waddling in the mud like a pig and going back to the vomit like a dog. There is nothing this world has that can bring me the peace, love, and joy that I so desperately need. Loose me from every chain, bondage and stronghold. Bind the strong man. Come Holy Spirit to expose the darkest parts of my being and clean out the closets of my heart. Transform me and make me in the image of your son. I no longer want a form of godliness and still, deny your power by living a life that is contrary to your Word. Remove a lawless spirit from me, the spirit of whoredom, fear, lust, perversion, drunkenness, sorcery, witchcraft, Jezebel, anger, rebellion, pride, self-righteousness, religion, and antichrist. I was made to be loved and be love. Take me back to my original design in Jesus name! I repent! Amen!

School Of Impartation and Living

I live in California and have traveled all over the United States.​ I'm an author, speaker, artist, teacher, web and graphic designer.​ In short I'm an artsy geek. I love to paint, write, take pictures, enjoy nature, and dancing with my flags. I love flowers! I also enjoy quiet time sipping on some black tea with cream and sugar preferably overlooking a scenic landscape! :)

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