The Good or Mean God?

The most difficult part of being a Christian now or days is staying balanced in the war between legalism and lawlessness. In one camp God is made to be made to be a bully who is always looking to punish us if we make a mistake. In the other camp, we have a God who is a celestial pushover that winks at our sin. Either way, I've seen both camps go into serious error and eventually apostasy. The religious camp, believe God is in control of everything. In their minds, He could have stopped their pain and suffering. They get mad, throw in the towel, and walk away. On the other side of the spectrum is the lawless camp that thinks that grace will be sufficient to get them by while they are willfully sinning because after all one saved always saved. These people keep making excuses for what they do and get sloppy with their salvation. In the middle is where we all want to be. We need a healthy fear of the Lord and be rooted in His love. Meditate on what God is saying in His Word. Goodness is for those who continue in His goodness but severity is for those who fall away. Ultimately we choose which way things go in our life. 

Make a careful examination now of what you believe about God and adjust any wrong attitude or belief. If you have walked away from Him, remember God's arms are outstretched to receive you back. Let us pray, Father, forgive me for seeing you as a cruel father, getting angry and walking away when things didn't go my way or my prayers weren't answered. I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me including you. Father, forgive me for thinking I can live my life any way I want to without consequences. I have been under a delusion to think I could get away with anything and still appear before a holy God. Please help me be balanced and see you correctly by respecting you as God. We ask you this in Jesus name!

School Of Impartation and Living

I live in California and have traveled all over the United States.​ I'm an author, speaker, artist, teacher, web and graphic designer.​ In short I'm an artsy geek. I love to paint, write, take pictures, enjoy nature, and dancing with my flags. I love flowers! I also enjoy quiet time sipping on some black tea with cream and sugar preferably overlooking a scenic landscape! :)

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