Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Do you feel that God abandoned you?" Are you angry at what you feel is injustice? Do you feel like life dealt you a bad hand? Are you struggling in your walk with God?
If this is the case then I am going to share with you ten keys to surviving a trial.  First, you must know that God is on your side!  Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. John 10:10 Secondly, you must know that whatever problem life has dealt us we are never without a choice. We are made in such a way that we can survive most anything and turn any situation around if we would only have faith. Our past or present circumstances do not have to determine our future.
Therefore, even if a child is thrown in the dumpster it can still be a chance that its life will turn out wonderful. Here is the catch. We must turn to God in every circumstance because we are born into a war and our enemy is real. We must be willing to fight for what is right and not give into what is wrong. We can't throw in the towel no matter what! I have personally survived the most horrible abuse, trauma, homelessness and so on but have found that there is always a sunrise after every sunset. It is all in our attitude towards life and God. Whatever we choose to believe about our life is exactly what will happen. Choose to believe that there is a loving God who has a hope and future for you and you will see his goodness in the land of the living.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Some atheists may argue there is no God and He will not rescue those who cry out to Him.  Guess what they are right!  I know this is confusing but if you believe that God will see you through no matter what then you are right too!  See there is a paradox in the kingdom of God.  You believe then you receive.  Whatever you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth you shall see manifest whether it be good or bad.  Many people become atheists because they didn’t get what they wanted from God.  Yet there are others that are put in the same scenario and persevere in their faith finally receiving what they believed for.  What is faith some may ask?  It is the title deed to something you have hoped for before you have seen it.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

For instance let’s say you bought something online.  By the faith you believe that you will receive what you bought by the evidence of a receipt.  You then put your hope that in a few days you will receive it in the mail.  You can only have this kind of faith in a business transaction if there has been a proven track record of business ethics and integrity.  If it is your first time buying from that person then you really have to do it on a good faith basis.  Business is done this way all day long all over the world.
In relating to God, He has given us a title deed or will as heirs of a covenant that was ratified by His blood.  The bible is our receipt of what we have hoped for.  We believe that it will come as a result of God’s faithfulness.  Now the problem many people have is that they ask for things that are not within the boundaries of the covenant.  For instance God cannot and will not violate the human will.  He only influences us by His Holy Spirit.  Also, God will not give you something that will destroy you.  As much as people may not like this next statement…suffering is part of God’s plan as it works His character and obedience in our lives.  Look at the life of Joseph.  His suffering worked God’s ultimate plan as he later raised Joseph to be a great leader of Egypt.  Moses spent years in the desert tending sheep as did David.  If you can endure the testing, be sure that God will raise you to a place of honor.  These great men spent years of testing before they were finally ready to be exalted in their due time.  Here is another paradox in God’s kingdom:  God exalts the humble and brings down the proud.

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time 1 Peter 5:6

Here is some more encouragement, sometimes the things we go through are because of our own doing. With some prayer and adjustment we can easily turn things around.  The key in this situation is taking personal responsibility for our foolish actions so we can be empowered to change them.  Great example of this: is getting ourselves into credit debt or into a bad relationship.  These kinds of things have little to do with spiritual things but have more to do with violating spiritual principles such as “do not be unequally yoked” and “a borrower is servant to the lender.”  Maybe you spent more time doing church work instead of looking for a job and now you are facing eviction this was not wise.  Our first priority is taking care of the family. “But if any provide not for his own; and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” 1 Timothy 5:8  

Maybe you were driving without insurance because you were not wise with your money and lost your car.  This can cause much heartache but it is not God’s doing or the devil’s. Some people go long periods of time without money and when they get some money instead of saving it they go hog wild purchasing expensive items instead of saving up for them.  The next thing they know they are having to pawn things just to pay bills. Perhaps you got into a business deal before thoroughly researching the company or jumping into something before praying. Now you have lost money on a bad decision. More dangerous is when you allow the mercy gift in your life to cause you to allow someone into your home that has no intention of leaving until they have drained you of every last penny. There are people out there who will take advantage of a giving heart who call themselves Christians.  Be very discerning especially if you have children. You might accidentally allow someone into your home who will hurt your family or run off with your spouse. These kinds of things cause trouble and trials in our lives but we can fix them by asking God for wisdom.  Remember we have the mind of Christ.

For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16

Other times we are under spiritual warfare which means that we also have the ability to turn things around by using our spiritual authority. Many people suffer unnecessarily because they don’t know how to stand up for themselves.  I will be honest the devil is an opportunist. He comes when we are at our weakest. Just like a thief that sees a door or window open he makes his move when we least expect it. However, we have a badge and the authority to arrest any such intruder in our lives by using the name of Jesus. He has to stop what he is doing and obey the laws writ against him.  A good example of this would be someone trying to seduce you or tempt you.  Be sure the devil sent them. Rebuke the spirit behind the person. Maybe you are being persecuted at work take authority over the anti-christ spirit in them. The devil likes to work through people. If you are sharing your faith at work do so during breaks and lunch time please. Many Christians lose their jobs because they spend more time witnessing at work than working.  Use wisdom.

Lastly, know that the Holy Spirit is your guide, comforter, and teacher.  He will always lead you into all truth. John 14:15  In whatever place you find yourself in if you take the time pray and listen to what God tells you.  You will find your way out.  It may not be quickly but it will happen if you continue to take steps out of your situation.  This may depend on what you did to get yourself there.  Remember, God is faithful to make way out for all of us. If possible do your best to get counsel in every situation from people who are trustworthy.  There is safety in a multitude of counselors. Proverbs 11:14

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Whatever, your situation here are some key points to remember:
1.  You are never without hope
2.  You always have a choice
3.  You will always come out better on the other side if you endure the test
4.  God always wants the best for you.
5.  God has a way of escape for you.
6.  You can always amend your mistakes.
7.  Our attitude will determine our outcome
8.  We have the spiritual authority to cause our enemies to flee before us
9.  By faith we can receive the promises of God!
10.The Holy Spirit is our guide and will lead us to your destination.

I pray this helps you get past a rough spot in the road and more importantly that it helps you make wise and prudent decisions. 
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