Engage God!

Engage: To attract and hold by influence or power

Not so long ago I was at a church service and the guest speaker was encouraging people to come to the altar to pray over their loved ones.  Strangely, many people continued to sit motionless on the chairs.  It was almost like they didn't hear what they were being asked to do. Again the invitation was given but only a few people came up.  The rest remained in their seats the rest of the night. It was literally like pulling teeth to get anyone to leave their comfort zone. As I was at the altar the Lord started to speak to me about this problem. 

First, we here in America have gotten used to coming to church and have everything happen behind the pulpit. Like the children of Israel we have sent Moses up the mountain to encounter God while we stay behind and build the golden calf. Our expectancy level only goes as far as believing God for a good sermon for the day. On the other hand, the only thing that is expected from the congregation in most cases is their tithe money and that is all. Honestly, I have seen more enthusiasm at a football game than I have seen in many churches.  At least at a football game people cheer and get into the game.  In some churches we can't even get people to stand up and praise God.  We have a lot to thank God about. He choose us to live life abundantly and be filled with His amazing unconditional love.  Unfortunately, many people don't receive this abundant life because they never engage God.  They never go beyond listening to the Pastor speak to hearing the Holy Ghost reveal himself through scripture, getting filled with His Presence, being touched in their bodies or being set free from their bondage.  They walk into church depressed, hurting, sick, addicted, unsaved and leave the same way they came in. This is religion.

I believe that God is about to change all of that. There is nothing more powerful than a group of believers coming into unity, with expectancy, ready to engage God so they can receive what they are believing for. If those believers love each other deeply than expect God to show himself mighty in them. As God starts to move on His people and they start to respond to the love of God be sure that every person that comes within that atmosphere will be changed forever.  As God's people ascend the mountain with Moses unafraid and unabated asking for God to show them His glory...will He not do it? My God this is how Pentecost was poured out.  A group of believers who prayed in unity, loved each other, were willing to lay their life down for the gospel and waited for the promise of the Holy Spirit. It was these empowered witnesses that received the Pentecostal fire. My friends, we already have this Holy Ghost fire and all we have to do is rekindle it at the altar of our hearts.

To rekindle this fire, we just need to engage God in our loving adoration.  He seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.  All of heaven will stop to listen to just one thankful heart. It was always those who declared the Divinity of Christ who caused Jesus to pay attention. Jesus, son of David have mercy on Me was the cry of every desperate soul.  They would then throw themselves at the feet of Jesus and worship Him. My friends, if we are ever to get passed our mundane traditions then we must be willing to let go of our religious pride. We must be willing to leave that chair, go to the altar, weep, worship, pray or anything else that the Spirit of God moves upon us to do. If you are willing to do this...you will leave changed. Engage God!

School Of Impartation and Living

I live in California and have traveled all over the United States.​ I'm an author, speaker, artist, teacher, web and graphic designer.​ In short I'm an artsy geek. I love to paint, write, take pictures, enjoy nature, and dancing with my flags. I love flowers! I also enjoy quiet time sipping on some black tea with cream and sugar preferably overlooking a scenic landscape! :)

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