Thursday, September 26, 2024

I hear the Lord say, "You will either submit to the discipline of the Lord or come under His judgment. I will judge the adultery of my people who secretly sin and are deceived into thinking that they are "safe" because they said a prayer of salvation. Salvation is for those who obey my voice and commands. Your false Prophets, Teachers, Pastors, Apostles, and Evangelists have deluded you. They deceived you into believing that you can disobey without consequences. That you can still partake of the world and all its lusts just like them and be called by My name! I will not tolerate your whoredoms and I won't listen to your excuses. You sin because you want to. You're in lust with this world and would rather have that than Me. Then you complain about your fruitless prayers, your tribulations, and suffering. You brought a curse upon yourself by running greedily after filthy lucre like Balaam, operating in the anger and violence of Cain and the rebellion of Korah. Do you think you will escape judgment because you sit on the pew? No! I am going to clean house! I am coming for a bride that is not in bed with the devil nor eating off his table. I'm coming for a bride who is faithful to me and keeps herself pure. Now is the time repent and give yourself fully to Me." The Lord has spoken.
Jaziz Gutierrez

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Lord spoke to me about how demons hide in mindsets. I was talking to a friend and she was telling me how she won't leave a certain denominational church because she believes she won't be able to sustain her walk of holiness outside of their controlling behavior and man made rules.  She believes she has to perform to their standards to be accepted by God. This mindset is works based. Yes, she is being a doer of the Word but her relationship with God is based on performance. God will love me only if I perform well. If I don't perform well he'll reject me. This is a demonic belief system. Paul asks the Galatians and asked, "Who has bewitched you?" Remember witchcraft has more to do with control than anything.  A performance based mindset causes us to believe that God's love is conditional upon performance and it drives us to perfectionism.  When we fail to meet His expectations then we experience feelings of failure, worthlessness, and rejection. For many people it causes so much discouragement and at times rebellion because they feel they can't meet up.  It's an ugly cycle of failed attempts because this mindset breeds pride in our own personal efforts to serve God. We fail to receive his grace for transformation because we are too busy trying to do do better than our last failed attempt. If only we would humble ourselves and admit we can't do this without help! Think of the humility of Jesus to ask someone to help Him with cross. Jesus was the strongest man that ever lived and still needed help! Sometimes grace comes in the form of someone helping you carry your cross. Other times it comes by admitting we need help but either way we need to understand that God loves us and it's not based on performance. It's based on His mercy. Today if you find yourself taking pride in your works or performance, feel stuck in another failed attempt or look down on others please ask God to forgive you and humble your heart so you can receive God's empowering grace to live for Him. Stay humble and you will always be able to sustain your walk with God. Jesus loves you. Jaziz Gutierrez

Monday, September 16, 2024

The evidence of revival on our lives isn't power. It's love. Power is evidence of consecration. Consecration is birthed from a place of love. If you love'll obey me Jesus said. We can only do this by faith and grace. Faith works by love. Grace is God's love empowering us. So where do we get this love? The Holy Spirit. He sheds that love upon our hearts. It all comes from God as a free gift. Our efforts are better spent being in the presence of The Godhead than trying to be "Good" Christians. We can become love when we keep company with the one who is love. Jaziz Gutierrez 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

God is asking for a divorce. A divorce from the Jezebel spirit!

Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

The church has tolerated a spirit of Jezebel long enough! 

I hear the Lord say, I will not tolerate Jezebel's seduction, witchcraft, false prophecies, fornication, and idolatry in my house anymore. I want you to divorce this spirit or I will divorce you! Enough of eating off her table! Enough of partnering with seducing spirits! Enough of your whoredoms and idolatry! Enough of your vanity! Enough of your false prophecies and witchcraft! I am lifting up the skirt of Jezebel and seeing who her eunuchs are. Ahab's house will not go unpunished. I am raising up a company of Jehus to clean house. Surely as California burns so will my church be baptized in my fire. I will burn up the chaff in my house, for I am a consuming fire. The judgment and separation must first come to My Houss before I can bring judgment to the world.  

 21  And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.

 22  Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

 23  And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

Revelations 2:21-23

Jaziz Gutierrez 

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