Addiction: The Illusion of Liberty

One of the biggest lies of the enemy is believing that liberty means living for ourselves and doing what we want to do. From the beginning of time, Satan has tempted mankind to take the same route as he did and so we can become our own masters. Like he told Adam and Eve, 'you shall be like gods.' Just like he did when he said, 'For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.' (Isaiah 14:13) Satan did indeed become his own master to sit on his own throne in hell. Separated from love, light, peace, and a life without God. Like they say, misery loves company. Believe me when I tell you that the devil wants your company.

The Kingdom of Darkness is always promising liberty to those who still want to be in control of their lives. The truth is the solicitors from hell know that the moment we take their offer we come under the bondage and slavery of whatever we yielded to. They seduce and deceive us to be, 'Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.' The word heady means to fall headlong by being reckless. The word highminded means to be blinded with pride. Pride is the devil's ticket into our lives. If he can convince us that we know better than God then he convinces us to become gods over our own lives. What he doesn't tell us is that we become his slaves the moment we do. There are only two masters in this world: Yahweh or Satan. There is no middle category. We are either servants of God or servants of the devil. Jesus said, 'No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and ?.' (Luke 16:13) You fill in the blank.

Today you have a choice. Are you going to serve self, and your fleshly desires so you become Satan's slave or will you serve Jesus and become his servant, fully surrendered to do His will? Who are you going to yield your life to?

In the context of addiction and codependency, this choice becomes even more critical. Addiction and codependency are forms of bondage, where we become slaves to our desires or to the desires of others. They rob us of our true identity and prevent us from living our God-given destiny. As the scripture says, 'While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.' (2 Peter 2:19)

Breaking free from the cycle of addiction and codependency is a multi-step process. It begins with acknowledging the existence of a problem. This is followed by understanding the role fear plays in our lives, often acting as a driving force behind our unhealthy behaviors.

Next, we must place our trust in God, believing in His power to heal and transform us. This involves surrendering control, a concept often referred to as 'letting go and letting God.' It's about releasing our tight grip on our lives and allowing God to guide us.

Being authentic about our struggles is another crucial step. It's about being honest with ourselves and others about our experiences, feelings, and the challenges we face. It's about removing the masks we wear and revealing our true selves.

The journey also involves soul searching and taking a fearless inventory of our lives. This means examining our past decisions, understanding why we made them, and acknowledging their impact on our lives.

This journey isn't easy. It requires courage to face our fears and shortcomings, faith to believe in a power greater than ourselves, and a lot of self-love to nurture our wounded spirits. But despite its challenges, this journey is worth taking. It's a path to freedom, healing, and a more authentic life.

So, who are you yielding your life to today?"

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