What Do We Value?

When Jesus died for us he made a value decision. He decided that our lives were infinitely more valuable than His. He traded the riches of heaven, the fellowship of the Father and the adoration of angels for a smelly manger, a blue collar job as a carpenter, and a long list of haters. What we don't realize is that when we sin we are also making a value decision. We are placing more value on (you fill in the blank) over having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Relationships are always based upon what we value. What we do speaks of what we value. For instance you may value your pet doctrine over having certain relationships in the body of Christ. You may value your grudge, hurt or resentment over relationships. You may value your drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality, and etc over having a relationship with Christ. Today if you are reading this and realize that you have not loved others and valued them properly; make an effort to correct that. Especially, if you have not truly given your heart to Christ. He valued you enough to give it all up to have a relationship you. How you respond to His love will show how much value you put on His sacrifice.

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