Definition: Facebook validation is basing your value or worth solely on how others respond to what you post or how you respond to them on Facebook messenger.
If you find yourself consistently checking to see how many likes you have on your posts or find yourself feeling depressed if your posts are being may have a Facebook validation problem. This is why people send chain emails that seem to force a reply from you either by stating that you will have good luck if you do and bad luck if you don't. Then there are the Facebook posts that force you to read them in their entirety by saying "I know you are my true friend if you read this to the end..." Do you really need me to repost that to prove to you that I'm your friend? Let's not forget the chain emails that make you feel like you are less patriotic or not a good citizen if you don't forward them. Let me ask you, shouldn't that poor child Dakota be healed by now? The same prayer vigil has been circulating on messenger for at least a year now.
I must admit some Facebook messages are cute and innocent. However, some of them seem like a threat. You may self-destruct in 10 seconds if you don't forward this. Some people have gotten so tired of these chain Facebook messages that they freak if you send them anything on messenger. Sheesh. I was put on notice that if I sent one more cute hugging bear I would be unfriended. Okay, I get it. I was just in the mood to show some love. Forgive me. Whatever your activity on Facebook may be, we need to check our motivation for why we are doing it. Are we seeking to be somebody through social media? Do we start social media frenzies by baiting people into arguments? Do we ask questions just for the sake of feeling like someone is listening to us? Are we constantly trying to get attention by posting things that are either controversial, funny or riddled with self-pity? Do we have a bad day if we feel our post or opinion was rejected? Do we tell others we are leaving Facebook to see if they genuinely care? Do we look to others to tell us what we should believe? Is your devotional life based solely on what you read and watch on Facebook? If that's so, you may have crossed over to an addiction to Facebook. Is that possible you may think? An addiction is a bad habit that causes you to be obsessed with a certain, person, habit or activity that becomes your source of peace, love, happiness, acceptance, and or approval. I hate to say many of us have fallen into this trap. If Facebook has become your source of letting you know that you are a human being worthy of being valued then it's time to break this ugly Facebook validation cycle. Repeat after me: Facebook is an activity to engage others but not the source of my happiness, love, peace, happiness, acceptance or approval. I get that from God! People are not the source of how I feel about my life and myself. My value comes from what Jesus did on the cross for me. I'm amazing, cherished, loved, accepted, affirmed, and wonderfully made. I choose to engage people in person and form genuine relationships instead of hiding behind a computer screen. I AM SOMEBODY! If you are still needing additional help comment below if not have an amazing day because after all, I don't need you to approve this message. hahahahaha Jaziz Gutierrez