Motivate by Love

I used to work for a company that helped people transition from Welfare to Work. One of the tools we used to help people get back into the job market was to motivate them by building up their self esteem. I woke up this morning and I thought, "What a concept!" As it silly as it may seem, we applauded every accomplishment. We threw them a party when they got jobs, we gave them a Payday chocolate bar, and played "Celebrate" by Kool and The Gang as we danced around the room. lol Loved that job.

However, in the church (not all churches) we have this weird idea that if we beat people up about what they are doing wrong, make them feel like they are worthless losers, and tell them how bad they are; that somehow that will help them change. Let's not forget fear mongering them into doing what we want. Fear mongering is defined as the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue. The church is GUILTY for using manipulation tactics to get the masses to tithe, not visit other churches, help without getting paid, look the other way when there is obvious problems in leadership, using prophecy to control others, and the list goes on. Yet there is a better way. It is called LOVE. If you find yourself using these tactics to get results please go to Jesus and ask Him to change you. People need to feel safe when they walk into a church. They shouldn't have to be afraid of getting beat up emotionally, manipulated, and controlled from the pulpit or pew. It's time we set our sights on healthy behaviors, and becoming healthy as the Body of Christ. Motivate by Love! Jaziz Gutierrez

School Of Impartation and Living

I live in California and have traveled all over the United States.​ I'm an author, speaker, artist, teacher, web and graphic designer.​ In short I'm an artsy geek. I love to paint, write, take pictures, enjoy nature, and dancing with my flags. I love flowers! I also enjoy quiet time sipping on some black tea with cream and sugar preferably overlooking a scenic landscape! :)

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