There is always a temptation to become discouraged in life if we lose perspective and vision. The little things we do can seem very insignificant and mundane. That's why its so important to have prophetic vision and divine foresight so we don't lose hope and become weary in well doing. Paul told Timothy to war according to the prophecies that had gone before Him. Follow the divine blueprint! What if Michael Angelo did not have vision for what he began? He would not have finished. However, brushstroke by brushstroke the world began to see what he already saw; the many masterpieces created through artistic vision. This also applies to prophetic vision and revelation. It is a blueprint for divine construction. Have you ever marveled when crossing over the Golden Gate Bridge? How can something so huge could stretch across so far, and be so high up! Then we exclaim "What a beautiful bridge!" We don't say what a beautiful bolt, or what a beautiful beam, and what a great cable. Not one of those things are of little importance, and to remove one could be detrimental, if not disastrous! Many times we only see the whole picture after it is finished. God sees us after we are finished! When he said, "It is finished!" He was not only declaring that he had finished fulfilling all the requirements of the law but he was also seeing us completed in Him.
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finsiher of our faith! Hebrews 12:2
The Apostle Paul also understood the importance of the heavenly vision God gave him, and he did not deviate from it but built according to it. He laid a foundation for others to follow him as he followed Christ. Could you imagine the confusion on a construction site if everyone did the same job or if others tried to do a job they were not trained for? Nothing would ever get done! Yet we show up to church week after week and expect the Pastor to run the whole construction site or we do jobs we were never called to do. It is essential in this season to understand our job position and fill it! We need to stop sitting on the pew expecting others to do our work for us. Throwing a tip in the offering bucket every week does not absolve us from doing our job.
God's church was never meant to be just an academic setting where all we ever do is learn, and do nothing with it to change the world! Together we are to be bridge builders to our families, to our community and to all the world. To seek and to save that which is lost. No job is too small in The Kingdom Of God. We must take our place and run our race. As we do, the world will begin to see what is in God's blueprint from the foundation of the world. They will see Him in the blue print as they see the manifestation of The Sons Of God!!!!!!!
Joshua and Jaziz Hallas
Joshua and Jaziz Hallas