Prophecy: Revival and Breakthrough 2014

Last night at the meeting I went down under the power of God. Johann laid hands on me and said, "Download!" Here is what God is speaking to His Church.

Three Keys for revival and breakthrough in 2014:

1. Unity - You will not be able to do your tasks alone. God will start honoring those who go out of their way to work with others. He is going to anoint five fold ministers who come into unity and release greater power! There He will command the blessing. Psalm 133 Learn to work as teams during church meetings and evangelistic outreaches. God is emphasizing 555 the trinity of five-fold. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit moving through His Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelists. He will be shifting His attention on Evangelists who are sold out. Work with the Evangelist, Pastor. God will start exalting the people who the church has ignored. The street ministers, missionaries and evangelists will now be called forward to lead the way.

2. Harvest - Those who make it their goal and start working in the harvest fields will see a blessing. Harvest fields meaning: Prisons, Hospitals, Streets, Homeless Shelters, Convalescent Hospitals, Mission Fields and wherever there is souls! Church if you want to see revival you will have to leave the four walls. Go to the park, get a tent, get a storefront in the middle of the city. Go where they are. God's Spirit will pour into those who will pour out. Stop waiting for them to come to you. I see mass baptisms taking place outdoors in rivers, oceans and in places that you would not think of using. Get ready for the Johns will arise in this hour and be calling out for people to repent in the River Jordan again!

3. Revival - is not an event! It is the fire of God resting on people whose hearts are transformed by God's presence. People are so used to thinking that it is about an event that when the event is over they go back to the norm. NO! Revival is about your heart being revived unto God. That may happen at a meeting is maintained in His Presence. If you think that watching your favorite preacher on TV is going to maintain a fire then you are wrong. If you think that you can survive on a 10 min daily devotional and singing to some watered down Christian song on the radio then you are wrong. Revival = fire! You will be ember that will grow cold if you stay out of fellowship with others that are burning. The church has grown cold because there is no altars to burn on. When we are asking God to send revival we are asking God to send fire. Fire consumes friend. God's fire will not rest on an altar that does not have a living sacrifice. Fire will not rest on those who are filled with idolatry. Fire will not rest on those whose hearts are not pure. A guest speaker will never give you fire. You can only get fire when you become His altar. Get rid of the distractions and start to seek God. He is waiting to reveal His Fire Walkers! Lord make us willing to burn for you!

School Of Impartation and Living

I live in California and have traveled all over the United States.​ I'm an author, speaker, artist, teacher, web and graphic designer.​ In short I'm an artsy geek. I love to paint, write, take pictures, enjoy nature, and dancing with my flags. I love flowers! I also enjoy quiet time sipping on some black tea with cream and sugar preferably overlooking a scenic landscape! :)


  1. Praise the Lord.....Awesome message thank you so much for sharing...Blessings

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