Gossip: The Spirit That Devours

As I walked down this dark, and menacing street; I could see a human figure standing in a house. As I looked closer, I noticed that the person was bleeding all over, it had a few missing limbs, and the body had missing flesh like leprosy. At first I was alarmed because I wanted to help someone who I thought was injured. It cried out to beckon me to come closer but it looked so frightening that I stayed away at a distance. It was something out of a horror movie. I felt sorry for it but it had a knife in its hand, and knew that I would fall victim to it if I came closer. Somehow I knew it would devour me because it had cannibalized itself.

My spirit shuddered at the thought of this hideous creature, and I woke up frightened from this dream. As I lay in bed wondering why I would have such horrible dream; God began to show me what it all meant. The person you saw the Holy Spirit explained, "Is a wounded Christian." Every time it gossips, and slanders others it devours itself. That is why it is missing limbs. It has cut off people in the body of Christ. The body continuously bleeds because of the injuries it inflicts upon itself. It uses self pity to lure you into comforting it but it will devour you as well. Don't come near to the spirit that devours. It is the sin of slander, gossip, and those who bring division.

By now you may be wondering how this may fall in line with the bible or still be trying to get this frightening picture out of your head. The bible says, But if you bite, and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another! (Galatians 5:15). Unfortunately, this is a recurring problem among believers. I have been behind many closed door leadership meetings which turned into witch hunts, and gossip sessions which cannibalize upon the weaker members of the body of Christ. It starts with suspicion, then divulging personal information about them which is gossip, and then finishes them off with some slander. It is all justified in the name of protecting leadership from these in-subordinates, and free thinkers. Those who upset the apple cart, and refuse to keep in line with the unspoken protocols of leadership, get targeted first.

I once sat in a church, and saw yellow barrels of toxic waste with that radioactive sign on them. I was wondering why I was seeing this. I later found out that the members of the church were speaking against leadership, and the leadership was speaking against the members. It was a toxic environment, and full of contamination. I made sure to leave that place quickly lest I too be caught up in all the drama. On another occasion I left another ministry because the person in charge kept judging people I knew personally. They would send me written articles about them that discredited their ministry, when in reality most of the things written were hearsay or libel. "Why can't you just meet them in person or make the attempt to see if these things are true," I would ask. They would then tell me that they felt a check in their spirit, and would write them off. That's what gossip does. It prevents others from seeing that person for who they really are because it has distorted their image to others. Before we continue let's define gossip: It is the personal information or private matters of others. Whether it be true or false; it is nobody's business. Even though gossip is damaging to people's reputation...slander is malicious lies made up to discredit others.

My friend, you have to be very careful with your words. He who covers a transgression seeks love, But he who repeats a matter separates friends. Proverbs 17:9 When I see people making it their job to expose others in the body or find it their duty to write long articles about all the faults of others, I know that reconciliation, and restoration is not the process they are seeking. A self righteous attitude, and a religious spirit is what motivates people to speak hurtful words. Fault finding, and slander is rooted in pride. If you make careful examination of the scriptures, you will find that Jesus' ministry was always maligned by the religious community. They hated that He challenged their tradition, and religious protocols. He started a love revolution that was not focused on outward appearance but inner heart attitudes.

You love evil more than good,
Lying rather than speaking righteousness. Selah
You love all devouring words,
You deceitful tongue. Psalm 52:3-4

In James it says that the tongue is unruly member that sets things on fire. The only way to stop a fire is to put it out by not spreading it. Jesus taught that it wasn't what comes into our mouths that defiles us but what comes out of our mouths. What comes out of our mouths, comes out of hearts. The bible exhorts us to be, "Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled." (Hebrews 12:15). See more on bitterness here

We need to be very careful who we are listening to. You may not be spreading the gossip but if you are listening to it you are being defiled by the dirt others are dishing out. If you want a clever way to stop gossip or slander here is something you can do to stop it. Get everyone to pray for the person they are talking about. It works every time. Not only does it cleanse the atmosphere of the spiritual contamination it also cleanses everyone from being defiled. Remember God did not call us to be toxic waste dumps so people can dump their trash into our spirit. This principle applies to complaining, negativity, criticism, dirty jokes, and reviling (abusive speech). See more on reviling here.

Be bold, and don't be afraid to let people know that you refuse to listen to their defiling words. I once knew somebody who was struggling with bisexuality, and they kept getting into details of all their perverse behavior. Even though I was counseling them, I realized that their words were full of deceit, and seduction. The Holy Spirit told me to stop talking to them because their words were defiling my spirit. If people won't repent from their behavior after they have been told what God's Word says; then move on. You have no obligation to continue to put up with someone's behavior, especially if they show no signs of trying to make a change. There will always be two kinds of people: Those who will fall, feel bad, and try to get better or those who fall, and make excuses for their sin. If they are making excuses for their sin then allow the Holy Spirit to bring correction to their lives. Getting a spanking from God doesn't feel good but it works the peaceable fruit of righteousness.

One more thing that I would like to address, and that's the legal side of gossip or slander. If you write something that is untrue about others, and you put it on Facebook or online; then you may be breaking the law. Libel is the crime of publishing untrue spoken words about others. It is against the law to misrepresent someone's character in such a way that it hurts their ministry or business. You can be sued for this especially if it is done maliciously causing a loss of income or business for that person. You better think twice about what you decide to publish online. If you want to address an issue using people's names isn't necessary. Just state your position, and let public opinion decide what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior. As Christians we should uphold higher standards.

Correction should not be done in public forums unless you have followed the protocol of going to that person first, and even then it should never be done in front of nonbelievers. Jesus did not make it his job to go and correct everyone that He felt was off base. He lived His life as an example, and He preached the truth. When He corrected people it was done face to face. Believe me, He had no problem calling the Pharisees hypocrites or a brood of vipers. However, the reason Jesus had such a problem with the religious community was over this statement right here, "But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless." (Matthew 12:7) In other words the Pharisees' biggest hang up was that they showed little mercy, and had condemning attitudes towards others. Don't get caught up in this religious attitude. Search your heart now, and repent if you have seen yourself in this article. God will receive those of a contrite heart. Amen?

Let's pray:

Father, I have been very judgmental towards others and I ask you to forgive me. Help me never participate in conversations that don't edify anyone or glorify you. Give me a heart of mercy, and love towards others. Change me, and help me be more like Jesus everyday in Jesus name, Amen. 

School Of Impartation and Living

I live in California and have traveled all over the United States.​ I'm an author, speaker, artist, teacher, web and graphic designer.​ In short I'm an artsy geek. I love to paint, write, take pictures, enjoy nature, and dancing with my flags. I love flowers! I also enjoy quiet time sipping on some black tea with cream and sugar preferably overlooking a scenic landscape! :)

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