Democracy has many wonderful things about it. I gives us the right as a people to vote for what we feel is right and the right to be free. A right not to get pushed around by the government and equal rights under the law. When the majority rules we feel like democracy has done its job. However, what happens when the majority rules against the laws of God? How about if the majority of the people being heard have taken it upon themselves to oppress those who can't defend themselves? Worse, what if they have taken it upon themselves to kill or eliminate those they deem worthless or a problem in their own eyes? Can democracy be a good thing then?
If you look up the word Democrat which is the rooted in the word democracy it will define a Democrat as someone who fights for civil rights and equality. However, there are a few reasons why God would not be a Democrat. First of all, God will never make your civil rights or freedom come before obeying His laws or loving others. Jesus has called us all to deny ourselves, pick our cross, and follow Him. Luke 9:23 That means we lay down our rights for the cause of loving others.
For example, your freedom or right to choose to have an abortion does not trump loving the life of a child that now lives inside of you. We do not have a right to kill someone in the name of convenience. By the time you do a pregnancy test, the child's heart is beating. Isn't life and death decided by whether we have a heartbeat? Our sexual choices need to be governed by love, not lust. We should not use our freedom to exploit the innocence of children, arouse people to sin, pour pollution into the minds of families, and call it entertainment. Your freedom should never trample over love or be used to hurt or offend others. Our constitution gives us the freedom or right to free speech but it should never be used as a platform to use hateful speech towards anyone. We also have the freedom of the press. It does not give us the right before God to slander, gossip, or malign others. I don't care what your religious beliefs are, they should never give you the right to hurt people or murder them in the name of your God! God is love not hate or judgment! Anyone, who says they represent God and treats others in an unloving way does not represent His heart. "But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes." (1 John 2:11).
Also, we should never have an attitude of entitlement. This is the opposite of having the humility of God. You take care of me because I am special. This attitude can be seen by the rich and poor. We should never expect special treatment because of who we are, what we do, or what we believe. You are not more special because you have money. The world should not have to cater to your every whim because you feel you are more important than others. You should obey the same laws everyone else does instead of receiving leniency because of your star status. Just because you serve in our government does not mean that you should be given special privileges. Whatever the people receive you should receive. You should get the same health care, social security, retirement, and protection under the law. You don't have the right to spend your money without some kind of accountability.
On the other hand, you should not feel you are special because you are poor or of a certain race believing that the government should take care of you. Entitlement is rooted in pride. Believing we are entitled because of our background, our sexual orientation, our race, or religious beliefs is not equality. We applaud those who fight for equal rights but not when they trample over other people to accomplish this goal. Humility looks after the interests of others and treats others better than they do themselves. It lays their rights down for others so people can walk in peace and unity.
In conclusion, no society or republic can live in true happiness unless righteousness, love, humility, and peace are embraced. These are all virtues of God's kingdom. Democracy at best is a failed concept outside of these virtues. In other parts of the world where the majority rule in hatred there is nothing but chaos, war, murder, and a bleak future for peace. What many people don't realize is, as they push God's kingdom out of our society they slowly invite selfish, self-centered, prideful, behaviors that will only create a society where freedom will be lost. A government that looks to themselves as the ones that decide what is right or wrong and uses its power to rule a people will end up oppressing them. Just look at other countries. It's time that America realizes that the only way our country will stay free is when they allow God to rule them instead of men who are in it for themselves. Men without virtue are men who will trample over your rights, freedom, and love so they can obtain their personal glory. How do I know this? History repeats itself it seems.
Find out why God is not a Republican
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