Empty Pews? Roadblocks to Breakthrough!

It is no secret that over the past few years church attendance has dropped dramatically. As the economy has soured so has the attitudes of many Christians. Once promised great wealth and success more Christians are finding themselves on the brink of despair as they struggle to survive. The reality is that for years they have been sold on the idea that all they had to do is give faithfully and their worries would be the thing of the past. Some of them were sold on the idea through prophecy and when things started to fall apart at home they felt betrayed by leadership. Completely unprepared to suffer through hardship because of what they were taught more Christians are throwing in the towel and giving up on church altogether.

Unfortunately, for many ministries more and more people have become aware of the ongoing exploitation of God's faithful.  Promises of breakthrough for a price. The endless dangling of monetary gain if we are to invest just once more in this eternal lottery. One day we will hit the big time but what happens when it never comes. My friends we have bought into the Capitalistic gospel instead of how life really works.  See life really works like this: You work hard, get an education and develop your talents.  For many of us financial principles were never taught to us except for giving our tithe into a basket. You do realize of course that many people become wealthy that never give into a church basket but become successful through hard work and entrepreneurship. Like Jesus said for the children of this world are in their generation are wiser than the children of light. Luke 16:8
Don't get me wrong God blesses givers but you must be willing to get a secular education to get a good job now or days. Most companies won't even look at you if you don't have a bachelors degree. There are more people with less education occupying your basic jobs and because of the shortage, companies have set the bar real high. This is not a mystery or problem that can be solved by throwing money into a basket. I thought I would tell you the truth.  Most people in ministry now or days have to work regular jobs. The economy has changed the rules of the game. So don't sit back and hope that things are going to change real soon because it may be years and in the meantime your family will be lacking or you will have to become more overbearing to get people to tithe in your congregation who have their own families to think about. Which brings me to my next point.

Christians want to receive all kinds of ministry but they don't want to be a blessing to those who are working hard to keep the lights on. Things aren't free you know. I know many legit ministers who can't pay their bills but still make it their job to feed the homeless, reach the broken and do missions work. I thought it would only be fair to present both sides. Yes, there may be ministries who exploit people but there are people out there who are genuinely are working in God's harvest fields and who are good ground. If you don't sow your seed in good ground don't be surprised if your field is empty and your pockets. Obedience is key to breakthrough not just giving. Back to my original subject.

Not only are more people becoming aware of the financial exploitation in Christendom but they are also experiencing the lack of genuine care that leadership has for them. They know they are just dollar signs sitting on the pew because as soon as they are gone they are forgotten. No phone calls or how are you doing. No prayer going up just a barrage of gossip behind their backs. I know this to be true because I have sat behind closed doors in many leadership meetings to witness this spiritual cannibalism. Honestly, I can tell you that I have received more hate e-mails from Pastors than sinners. Their reason for telling me off was I decided to exercise my free will and attend another church. I didn't find feasting on the flesh of other Christians very appetizing that is why I left. Let's be honest, sheep can bite and leave real wounds in people. As long as we keep ignoring these things and pretend they are not happening we will never make the necessary changes to make things right. I will be the first to admit that I got quite tired from the nonsense and took a break from church life because of the above issues.

For the first time in 30 years I joined the unchurched and really got to process my Christianity.  I got to rub shoulders with those who have left the church establishment years ago. Many of the people out there got tired of trying to fit in to the church cliques, or were too offended to come back after they got wounded or even lost their way and backslid. A huge percentage of the people out there never find their way back because people forget about them as soon as they leave the church. They are no longer relevant or fueling the machine. They are castaways on the island of isolation. There the devil gets his way, keeping them out of reach of rescue while they lose hope in God. Have we forgotten the heart of Jesus in this matter? Where is the one?

If spiritual child abandonment and rejection was a crime there would be many people in church in jail.  Our own hurt in leadership sometimes causes us to hurt others and continue the cycle in our own ministries. We don't talk about it but when we get offended instead of going to that person in love we write them off.  The truth is people just want to experience the unconditional love of God from His people. What they really want is to know is that they will be cared about even if they don't give, go to your church or believe differently than you do. They want to know that the relationship they have with you isn't about your ministry or their service to your personal dream. People are looking for genuine transparent relationships outside of the four walls who aren't afraid of intimacy in God. When we make our ministries more about others instead of making it about ourselves we will see church attendance grow again. People know when your motive is only to recruit them and make them part of your team. Love has to be the purpose and motive behind everything we do. So don't blame people for leaving your ministry when clearly you were the reason they left. Then on the other hand...

If you are offended with church and leadership you are not in a good place. You will not grow in your walk watching YouTube videos from your favorite preachers. I know that because I tried it. I was literally drying up on the vine. We must stay in fellowship with other believers and find ways to stay on fire. We need to leave the comfort of our offended walls and remember that there is people out there who need Jesus. We will be accountable for burying the talents God gave us. We will be responsible for the oil God gave us and we will stand before him for ignoring the plight of humanity. Matthew 25 We all get hurt and we need to remember that if anyone had the right to stay away from humanity it was God but instead he came to lay down His life for us fully knowing how barbaric we were and that he would have to die for us. He was betrayed, rejected, humiliated, gossiped about, hated and all He did was love people. Then to add insult to injury only weeks after everyone is singing his praises they were shouting, "Crucify Him!" Thank God he didn't throw in the towel because His love towards those haters really paid off. I was one of them how about you? Yes love is risky but it can have huge payoffs...just ask Jesus.

One more thing...don't just brush this off. If you were an insensitive jerk go to that person and make it right. You might as well face them now because I highly doubt our Father is going to let us get away with avoiding them in heaven if we go there that is. We Christians are so good at preaching forgiveness of sins but trying to get a Christian to say they are sorry well...it is like pulling teeth. Go ahead, you have nothing to lose than to call all the people you are hurt with or send them an e-mail and love them expecting nothing in return. Jesus said, Love your enemies... I mean those other Christians. It will help you move on and possibly get that breakthrough you have been needing. Not because of giving but because of your obedience to LOVE. Unforgiveness and offense are sometimes the biggest roadblocks in our walk with God keeping us from the very thing we are crying out for BREAKTHROUGH! The next time you see the basket put your heart in there and give it to someone who needs Him.

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:5-6

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Jaziz Gutierrez
Facebook: School Of Impartation and Living

School Of Impartation and Living

I live in California and have traveled all over the United States.​ I'm an author, speaker, artist, teacher, web and graphic designer.​ In short I'm an artsy geek. I love to paint, write, take pictures, enjoy nature, and dancing with my flags. I love flowers! I also enjoy quiet time sipping on some black tea with cream and sugar preferably overlooking a scenic landscape! :)


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