These are tough times, and many of us have never experienced this level of conflict within our world. Most of us have never had to watch our spending or fret about what tomorrow would bring. If we wanted something we would just buy it without a second thought. Economic times have changed though and most families are suffering from the fallout of the last few years. Unemployment is rampant and some of us are wondering how we are going to get through this time of uncertainty.
I was in the kitchen the other day and this word came to me, "for the joy set before Him." Jesus endured torture, mocking, and crucifixion because he had something he was focusing on. He was focused on the joy of bringing us to himself through the cross. I realized that this principle will work for everything else too. If we want to be able to get through something hard we need to focus on the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.
If we want to get through college, a diet, trying times or accomplish a goal; we need to be focused on the end result. If we start focusing on how hard things are, what we are lacking, and looking at our present circumstances we won't be able to reach the prize. If we are going to weather these tough and turbulent times we are going to have to stay focused on the prize of our eternal relationship with God. Let us strive to hear these words, "Well done good and faithful servant enter the joy of your Lord." Matthew 25:23
We need to be careful though that winning the prize doesn't come before becoming more like Him and reconciling this world to Jesus. If we prioritize these correctly like focusing on becoming more like Him, we will win more souls as a result of our witness, and the byproduct of a life well-lived for Jesus is winning the prize of eternal life! We can't live our lives just to get to heaven. If we live like that we will be like the wicked servant who hid his talent in the ground. He did nothing with what God gave him. God never calls us to live in survival mode. We have a purpose for being here. We have God-given assignments to complete.
Winning may also mean we have to lose. Sounds contrary, doesn't it? I'll explain. What I mean by losing is giving up our rights to get even for example or to get our way. That's the world's way of winning. For a Christian, winning the battle is often just keeping quiet when you feel tempted to give someone a piece of your mind. You win because you kept your witness for Christ. We need to be clear on what the prize really is.
The prize is always his presence and blessing as a result of our obedience to Him. We need to endure persecution, resistance from the devil, people's bad attitudes, and temptation. If we are going to run to win the prize we cannot grow tired! "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:9 I know it can be easy to lose hope when everything seems to be going contrary to your prayers. We must trust God with the outcome!
The great thing about running the race is that Jesus is going to help us get over the finish line! He is the "author and finisher of our faith" He will complete what he started in our lives. As long as we don't give up, He will help us get there. Our job is to focus on the prize. Truthfully, there is no greater prize than Jesus. He is our prize. Everything else that comes along with serving Jesus is just extra. Focus on the prize!
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Jaziz Gutierrez
Facebook: School Of Impartation and Living